Find prospects, send cold emails, book meetings, and grow your business

Get accurate B2B contact data, write and personalize emails at scale, connect and warm up unlimited email accounts, monitor deliverability, send cold emails that actually get customers. Or hire AI SDR agents to handle it all for you.

Join over 3,000 companies using SalesHunter today to sell faster


We've been using SalesHunter for a while now, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer for our email outreach campaigns.

Paul O

SalesHunter Done-For-You Service has been a game-changer for my business! Within my first month, I secured 4 new clients

Alex Johnson

SalesHunter is helping us sell like humans. No spray and pray. Just slowly and steady reaching out and closing some deals.

Luke Clem

Scale Your Outreach with Unlimited Accounts

With SalesHunter, you can connect unlimited email accounts for sending cold outreach messages, so you can scale campaigns as you generate more leads and grow your business.

Unlimited Email Accounts
SalesHunter Sequence

Sequences and Personalization

It all starts with a sequence. Reach prospects and customers with personalized messages on channels where they spend most of their time. Combine emails, calls, LinkedIn touchpoints, and tasks.

B2B Lead Finder

Easily build precise contact lists using our advanced search filters. Access accurate emails, work numbers, and direct dials for the right prospects in seconds. No need for 3rd party tools - We verify every lead, enabling you to reach out to them right away.

B2B Lead Finder
Organization Workspace

Organization Workspaces

SalesHunter Workspace lets you segment your work effectively. Create a Workspace for each client, encompassing all the essential tools for exceptional client outreach. From sender warm-up to intent-driven campaigns, reporting, and client communication, everything is conveniently organized for maximum client satisfaction.

Find the right plan for your needs


For solo business owners and individuals just getting into cold outreach

$23 /mo

Billed yearly at $276.00

Connect unlimited email sender accounts
Store unlimited contacts
500 email finder credits/month
1000 email verification credits/month
1000 contact enichment & AI personalization credits
Unlimited email warm-up and deliverability monitoring
AI sequence writer & copy assistant​
Send 25,000 emails monthly
AI-algorithmic IPs rotation
Auto-rotation of sender emails
Unified inbox
Live chat support


For marketers, sales teams, and lead generation agencies aiming to exceed their targets

$65 /mo

Billed yearly at $780.00

Everything in Personal plan
Advanced warm-up settings and language models​
1000 email finder credits/month
5000 email verification credits/month
4000 contact enrichment & AI personalization credits
Send 150,000 emails monthly
Webhooks and CRM integrations
Unlimited team members
Priority support


Need more leads, custom integrations, and extra AI credits? Let's create your perfect plan.

Contact us

Everything in Business plan
Send unlimited emails monthly
Unlimited contact enrichment credits
Unlimited AI personalization credits
Custom integrations

Frequently Asked Questions

After you’ve set up your campaigns - it runs completely on autopilot. All you need to do is make sure there’s enough leads in your campaigns and that’s it.

Absolutely, we’ve even prepared a full step-by-step tutorial on how we launch our campaigns.